"Deer Me, You've Got me Going in Circles"and
Kitschy Vintage Cupcake Pick
I spent most of this weekend crafting..crafting hard.
I am really hoping to be a vendor at The Bazaar Bizarre in Cleveland this December so I thought I would work on some prototypes..and seriously these little girls' have been pictured in my mind for months...so I had to make them happen.
Deer "Dear...You're my Prize" Badges.
These deer prize badges were a "mistake" gone right.
I had a different vision entirely as I spent hours cutting out TONS of deers...but I just
love the way they came out.
After FINALLY going through the MASS of boxes of crafty elements that I have stacked in
my basement I stumbled upon this big bag of vintage velvet ribbon
I had bought in a thrift store long, long ago.
I decided they needed to come out of their dingy plastic bag..they look so much happier now being a part of these :)
Ladies in Waiting...
On Saturday I spent a chilly morning scouring the flea market
for cabinet cards and buttons...just as the skies opened up
and the rain drops started falling, I hit
the jackpot and found "my" booth ~ full of all my favorite things...
I helped the lady who was running the booth pack as much stuff away
in her truck as we could as the rain fell. She was very sweet and we chatted
during the showers huddled amongst all her treasures in the cab of her truck
...we went through literally PILES of cabinet cards.
We passed the time making up so many funny stories about the strangers in the photos~wondering...wondering...
when I told her of my plan to give them antlers and masks..
and make them something new and beautiful
she was so sweet and gave me quite the deal..and a big hug.
So when the sun started shining again- I had my "Ladies in Waiting"..and a new flea market friend :) I'd say it was a good day at the flea market.
A Great Crafty Discovery....Yo-Yo Makers!!!
I was over the moon when I found some easy Yo-Yo makers
at JoAnn's this summer. They run about $5-$8 per yo-yo template-
they are so easy to use and I am loving each little one!
I have so many ideas for these cute little yo-yo's..oh the
brooches and hair pins I will make :)
Cute as a Button One of my favorite things to find while flea marketing is a GIANT jar of buttons...
because 9 times out of 10 after you bring it home and go through the contents
of these treasure jars...you find much, much more than
mere buttons. This time it was glass vile's of seed beads, arrow heads- and I think
a tooth lol lol. $5 turned into magic...and the old Ball Jar is pretty fantastical too!
And now on to the Fall Fashion Finds...
as an avid devour-er of all things
BUST magazine has to offer...I have
been a fan of
Sock Dreams forever...a long time advertiser in my favorite mag.
These leg warmers just look so WARM and adorable...
and as our weather here gets chilly I couldn't resist...
So these are the leg warmers I've decided upon...
Haven't purchased these yet..but they are as good as mine, I
mean a girl has to have goals, right?

...and these are the leg warmers that are on their way to me...
NE Ohio Lake Effect give me your best!
The rain, sleet, snow...
I'm ready for ya!

Happy Crafting...